Now Playing Amp 2 Media Productions Monday The Cafe Morning Show 9:30a Latin Hustle 11:00a The Hangout 11:30a The Brooklyn Cafe TV Show 12:00p Call Me Zena 3:00p The Reinvented Life 5:00p All County Health Care 6:30p Tuesday The Cafe Morning Show 9:30a The Brooklyn Cafe TV Show 12:00p The Meta Lifestyle Magazine Show 3:00p Wednesday The Cafe Morning Show 9:30a Latin Hustle 11:00a The Brooklyn Cafe TV Show 12:00p Stress Less 3:00p Sara Spiritual 6:30p Thursday The Cafe Morning Show 9:30a Movie Wars 11:00a The Brooklyn Cafe TV Show 12:00p Pitch 2 Production 3:00p Editor’s Desk 5:30p You And Your Doctor 6:30p Laura Sanders 7:00p Jaycee Dreison 7:30p Meet The Experts 7:30p Friday The Cafe Morning Show 9:30a Latin Hustle 11:00a The Brooklyn Cafe TV Show 12:00p The Love Show 3:00p 6 Borough 6:30p SEE ALL OUR SHOWS